Globaler Klimastreik am 25.9. | global climate strike on sep 25th

Lasst uns wieder streiken – digital oder anders. Es gibt an vielen Orten Möglichkeiten – natürlich mit Maske und anderen klugen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen – um gegen Klima-Ungerechtigkeit zu protestieren. Lets go – digital or otherwise – strike again. There are possibilities at a lot of places – of course wearing masks and with other sensible precautions…More

Today is #WorldOceanDay | Heute ist Welttag der Ozeane

Think on this 8th of June not only of your health or your economy, but on and off of our oceans, too. This origin of all life on earth that even makes every single day all our lifes possible, becomes more and more inhospitable: lets do something about it! For instance: Go by bike instead…More

#DigitalStrike | #NetzstreikFürsKlima

Nowadays, it is not a good idea to meet and protest in large groups, especially together with parents or grandparents (maybe decentralized in every little town, if we can organize that and the Corona risk is more or less contained, for the next Global Climate Strike on 24th of April), thus now here: Heutzutage ist…More

Klimaschutz jetzt | climate action now

Ich komme gerade von meiner ersten Klimastreik-Demo zurück und bin noch ganz aufgekratzt von diesem Gemeinschaftsgefühl, dass aufkommt, wenn so viele das gleiche Ziel haben wie ich. Persönlich mit 1000 Menschen zu marschieren (ja, es war eine der kleineren Veranstaltungen) ist etwas anderes als im Internet einer von 1000 zu sein, die etwas unterschreiben oder…More

Shark of the month: White shark |Hai des Monats: Weißer Hai (31)

Sadly, most people didn’t care how many sharks were killed using shark nets or drumlines, only about the other animals suffering as bycatch. But times are changing. Harmless sharks don’t deserve to be killed now, too. And also protected sharks like the White shark, if they are tame. Note the sarcasm. Since it is proven…More

Shark of the month: White shark |Hai des Monats: Weißer Hai (29)

What if, in their fear, people decide that “Only a dead White shark is a good White shark”? Notwithstanding that you cannot simply kill every creature that you don’t like – or that kills people (how about dogs or bees?) – all sharks, but especially the apex predators, have got their place and job in an…More

Shark of the month: White shark |Hai des Monats: Weißer Hai (28)

It is one thing to kill a creature for consumption, even if the yesterday mentioned liver oil is much more used in cosmetics instead Omega 3 capsules, eating White shark meat would do more harm than good, fish meal is also used for fertilizer and pet food and it is more than questionable that shark cartilage…More

Shark of the month: White shark |Hai des Monats: Weißer Hai (23)

After mentioned yesterday what kind of incidents are labeled with the more than negative connoted shark attack, lets talk more systematically about different types of attacks. The ISAF developed several years ago, in addition to their categories provoked and unprovoked, three subcategories of an unprovoked attack: hit and run for one single bite or slash,…More